How to Find and Hire a Reputable Estate Sale Company
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She is proud to be a member of the National Association for Fixed Annuities as well as the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors . And if you’re in search of furniture or decor for your own home, bring a tape measure and a detailed floor plan.
This will vary according to the amount of property you’re selling and the price you’re selling it at. $150 (U.S.) is probably a good mid-range estimate; but have primarily smaller bills on hand so you can make change.
Consider Having Your Items Appraised
In fact, eager bargain hunters and antique dealers often line up several hours beforehand. How you organize and present the items at your estate sale may dictate how successful it is. Ruby recommends grouping like items together, which ensures that customers will see everything you have to offer at a glance. “When items are grouped together, customers looking for that type of product will most likely buy more of it, meaning more money for your sale,” she says. In some cities, you’ll need a permit for hosting an estate sale. Fendelman says to check your local ordinances by way of city hall to see if this is a step you need to take.
Commercial Downsizing – Online Auction
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A couple of options would be speaking to a local real estate agent or family/friends who may have done an estate sale. For many folks, they have never had to deal with selling a deceased relatives possessions. Hopefully, by the time you’re finished reading, you’ll be able to avoid some of the common mistakes people make with estate sales of a parent or other relative. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to sell, it’s important to determine an appropriate date and duration for the estate sale.
Some companies assess an extra fee for clearing out the house and getting it to broom clean. Although advertising the sale will help to attract buyers, it represents an additional expense that will decrease your estate sale proceeds. Be sure to ask about the estate sale company’s advertising plan fees. Evaluate each company’s advertising on targeted sites such as,, and The company should also promote the event through its email lists, social media channels, and targeted websites.